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Thanks for stopping by!

xo Adrianna

5 Tips for Overcoming Postpartum Anxiety Naturally (Without Medication)

5 Tips for Overcoming Postpartum Anxiety Naturally (Without Medication)

Hey there, mama! I’m so glad you’re here… because that extremely happy, strangely emotional, and sometimes downright overwhelming time we like to call “postpartum” can feel so amazing and so lonely all at the same time! And it’s totally ok to feel that way!

I have struggled with some form of anxiety my entire life (I was totally that little kid who was so afraid to leave my mom’s side + the first-time mama who had to check 700 times per day if my baby was still breathing!)… can you relate?! Because while I’ve learned so many good ways to overcome anxiety over the years and even gotten to the place now where I can eliminate it almost completely from my everyday life, having had anxiety in the past still puts me at risk for dealing with postpartum anxiety.

I definitely experienced postpartum anxiety with my first baby & so I made sure to set myself up for success when my second baby was born this past spring. I made a few changes to my new mama routine to help deal with any postpartum anxiety that might try to creep back in the second time around… and it definitely did try to creep back in.

Today on the blog, I wanted to share what’s worked for me & hopefully a few of these tips will work for you, too! Here are the 5 things that have helped me in overcoming postpartum anxiety naturally.

NOTE: I am not a doctor and therefore, this is not medical advice. Also, I don’t have anything against taking medication when necessary, these are just my tips I used to overcome postpartum anxiety without it - and by no means is it the only way. If you are starting to struggle with postpartum anxiety or depression, please please please reach out to someone you trust! Maybe it’s your husband, your mom, your sister, or a really good friend… but just telling someone how you’re feeling can help demystify the scary thoughts you’re having AND it instantly gives them less power just to say them out loud, I promise. You are never alone in this, mama.

5 Tips for Overcoming Postpartum Anxiety Naturally (Without Medication)


#1 Get Some Sleep

You may have read last week’s blog post sharing the 3 things I did differently with my second baby that had her sleeping through the night by 6 weeks old… if not, you’re definitely going to want to check it out! Because the #1 thing that helps ease my anxiety is just getting enough sleep. It sounds so simple, but a good 30 minute nap can work wonders for your brain! Not only is it important to make sure baby is getting good sleep, but YOU, mama, need some good sleep, too. If you can, try to take a nap when your newborn is sleeping, or at least get into a daily routine where you go to sleep and wake up at the same time - having your baby on a schedule helps you do this automatically!


#2 Move Your Body Everyday

I’ve heard it said that motion = emotion (I actually think that’s a favorite saying of Derek Hough’s — any other DWTS fans out there?!), and for me this is so.darn.true. Whenever I’m in a bad mood or feeling anxious about anything I always turn on some good music & have myself a kitchen dance party, party of 1! Or party of 2, with my baby in my arms as I rock her to sleep. Whether you go for a short walk outside or you bust out your best kitchen dance moves, I promise just moving your body will help release those endorphins needed to kickstart your brain back into gear… and if nothing else it’ll make you laugh!

NOTE: If you’re looking for some great kitchen dance party songs, make sure to check out my ‘💃🏼PARTY’ IG Story Highlight HERE —> @adrianna.bohrer


#3 Listen to Music Often

In addition to those kitchen dance party songs, I always like to create a “light n easy” or “positive vibes” playlist that I can listen to when I’m getting ready for the day, driving in the car, cooking dinner, or even just folding laundry. The point of this playlist isn’t to necessarily get your body moving but to help you relax and get into a more positive state of mind, so stick with upbeat and positive songs — my current fav: anything from the Jonas Brother’s new album Happiness Begins.


#4 Give Yourself Grace

Whenever I’m overcome with those scary, anxiety-fueled type of thoughts or worries, I always take a moment to recognize the thought, remind myself “I am not my thoughts,” and then let it go by focusing on what I’m grateful for in that moment instead… and pretty soon that’s all my mind goes to naturally. There’s a saying that says, “where our focus goes, our energy flows” or simply put what we choose to focus on will grow. So when you give your conscious effort to focusing on what you’re grateful for in those moments you feel anxiety, you’re actually retraining your brain to focus on gratitude instead! aka you’ll start to experience less and less anxiety over time as your brain learns to naturally respond differently to anything that was triggering those anxious thoughts in the first place. I learned this “retraining of the brain” from a good friend & mentor of mine Ashleigh DiLello — it’s been life-changing to say the least!


#5 Gratitude + Prayer

Perhaps this should have been number 1 on the list, but theres’s really no better way to end a list on overcoming postpartum anxiety than by offering it up to the One who made us. Prayer is the ultimate healer & simply asking God to help me through moments of anxiety has done more for me that any amount of “talking it through” or “trying to figure it out” ever has... and I strongly believe that’s because when you surrender your plans & your timeline & your thoughts & your emotions to God — however broken you may feel — He will always, always be there for you. Believe in the power of prayer & surrender your brokenness to Him. It’s is not always easy to do, but it is simple. You can literally pray anywhere and anytime… I always just repeat the phrase “I can do this, because You can do this, Lord,” and I feel His calming presence within me once again.

I hope these 5 tips for overcoming postpartum anxiety naturally can help you find a little more joy + embrace a little more love for yourself during this crazy + amazing time of new mamahood! Take it one step at at time… some days it will feel like everything is back to normal again, but then it can turn around and surprise you with another hormonal shift that makes you question what the heck is going on inside your brain! I’ve totally been there & I’m here to tell you it.does.get.better. Just give yourself a little grace, give it a a little more time, & don’t forget to throw yourself a little kitchen dance a party - party of 1. You got this, girl!

xo, Adrianna

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Don’t forget you can pin these photos to Pinterest + save them for later! Keep them on your FAV Board for inspo you can come back to again and again… Use the Pinterest button below or simply click on any photo to save it.

3 Cute & Casual Postpartum Outfits to Wear with a Graphic Tee

3 Cute & Casual Postpartum Outfits to Wear with a Graphic Tee

3 Newborn Sleep Schedule Tips (That Had My Second Baby Sleeping Through the Night by Six Weeks Old)

3 Newborn Sleep Schedule Tips (That Had My Second Baby Sleeping Through the Night by Six Weeks Old)